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Frogley-Pittendrigh Wedding

By May 1, 2012No Comments

Molong Express 3-5-1902

A ceremony which was looked forward to for some time was consummated in St. Andrew’s Church, Garra, at 1pm on the 23rd April.  Rev. Canon Alldis, rector of Molong Parish, was the officiating clergyman, and the happy parties to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Mr B. Frogley and Miss Minnie Pittendrigh, both of Garra.  The Bridegroom is the third son of Mr. R. Frogley; the Bride, the eldest daughter of Mr G. Pittendrigh.  Both are general favourites in a large circle of friends, whose best wishes for future happiness are fervently expressed.

The little church was prettily – nay, quite artistically decorated for the auspicious occasion.  Arches, festoons and fields of green foliage, interspersed with appropriately selected and placed branches and sprays of flowers completely transformed the building’s interior; and in the proper place was suspended a beautiful wedding bell, beneath which the loving couple were made one.  At the organ presided Miss Young, of Garra, surrounded by members of the choir; and as the bridal party entered the sacred building that popular matrimonial hymn, “The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden” was rendered in exquisitely touching manner, which went straight to the hearts of all listeners.  Then, at the termination of the interesting ceremony, Miss Young dismissed the happy pair with a brilliant performance of the well-known “Wedding March”.

The bride, looking quite captivating, was given away by her father.  She was most effectively attired in a cream silk costume, trimmed with appliqué insertion, chiffon and lace; with the usual veil and wreath of orange blossom.  She also wore a gold bangle and carried a beautiful bouquet, both being gifts from the bridegroom, who in turn looked quite happy over the prospect of soon becoming the possessor or such a charming consort.

There were three bridesmaids; Miss Nell Frogley, occupying the premier position with such becoming dignity as suited the sentimental occasion.  The “Fair Nell of Garra” was charming in a blue voile costume decorated with silver trimmings and carried a handsome bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom.  Not a few were the admiring glances cast towards Miss Nell, Misses Linda Burgess and Clarice Pittendrigh – two little picture of innocent childhood, also assayed the role of bridesmaid.  They were becomingly attired in dresses of cream nun’s veiling, with bonnets to match, and carried baskets of flowers.  The bridegroom found an able supporter in the popular Mr T.W. Spence, who performed the best man’s duties most satisfactorily.

The nuptial knot being tied, and other details duly observed, the happy pair, accompanied by some fifty guests, adjourned to the residence of the bride’s father, where a magnificent wedding breakfast was in readiness for their delectation.  Owing to other pressing engagements the Rev. Mr Alldis was unable to be present, so it fell to the lot of Mr T.W. Spence to preside at the reception – a position which just suited him.  At the proper time he proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom, in a taking little speech in which he made very kindly reference to his long and intimate acquaintance with them, and dwelt affectionately on their many good qualities, while wishing them every happiness and domestic blessing in the new sphere of life upon which they had just embarked.

Mr Spence’s remarks were heartily endorsed by joyous acclamation, at the termination of which the bridegroom for himself and wife expressed in sensitive sentences the happiness he felt and the thankfulness he entertained towards all those who had contributed towards his delight, making special mention of Mr Spence in recognition of his kind remarks and good wishes for their future welfare and happiness.

Mr J. Brooks proposed the health of the parents of the bride and groom; which toast being duly honoured, Mr G. Pittendrigh suitably responded.

Mr A. Russell gave the health of the bridesmaids; and on their behalf the compliment was acknowledged by Mt T.W. Spence.

Soon afterwards the bride retired to assume her travelling dress, which was of brown voile trimmed with pink silk and twine lace, and hat to match.  Then, amidst showers of rice and good wishes, the happy couple started for Manildra railway station, being escorted by a large number of friends.  There they took the train for Bathurst, amidst further manifestations of affection and good feeling, and best wishes for a pleasurable honeymoon followed by a long life of happiness.

The wedding present were numerous, useful and ornamental.
For further information see Manildra Memories folder at Manildra Library